A captivating exhibition featuring the works of multi-disciplinary artist Stacie McCormick and renowned designer Mark Brazier-Jones. This show brings together McCormick's latest and never before seen, abstract paintings and Brazier-Jones' sculptural chandeliers and design pieces, creating a unique and explosive dialogue between two-dimensional art and three-dimensional design.
Stacie McCormick, a Los Angeles-born, London-based artist, is known for her gestural paintings that blend spontaneity with studied technique. Her works, often described as meditative and calligraphic, showcase over 30 years of artistic practice.
Mark Brazier-Jones, a New Zealand-born artist and designer, contributes his innovative chandeliers to the exhibition. His pieces, crafted from materials like bronze and crystal, transcend functional lighting to become sculptural artworks in their own right.
"Éclatant" explores themes of light, form, and artistic vision, inviting viewers to experience the harmonious interplay between painting and design. The exhibition promises a fresh perspective on the convergence of different artistic mediums and the brilliant moments that arise from this unique collaboration.